Thursday, January 27, 2011


Okay, so I didn't actually bake a lake, but it's a rhyme-y type thing and it sounded good so shut it before I punch you in your mouth.

I'm just cranky because I haven't yet eaten any of my COFFEE CAKE that I baked this morning. Now, why would I bake such a delicious thing and then not eat it? Well, my friends, it is because I am taking it to my Agricultural Team Meeting.

Yes, dear reader. (I am assuming that Amy is still the only one reading this since I have not publicized it elsewhere.) I am a member of the Conner Prairie Agricultural Team.  "But Rachel!" You might be saying to yourself, which is weird because you're talking to me. "You don't know shit about agriculture!"

And to that I say: "You are correct, dear sir and or madam. I do not know shit about agriculture. BUT! I do know shit about teams! And meetings! And I have a desire to learn more about agriculture!"

"But is that enough to be part of the Agricultural Team Meeting?" You would then rebut. (note: spell check says rebut is the correct spelling and that rebutt is not. Interesting.) Which is again, odd, because then I am speaking in your head and the imaginary me is giving the same response as real hypothetical me which is either a coincidence OR psychic on your part. So, go you!

Where was I? Oh yes, well, apparently it IS enough to get me on the Ag Team and I love it! I've been learning about pig ear notching and feeding animals and aaalllllll sorts of things.

But back to my original reason for this, my coffee cake. It is the most wonderfully delicious thing you've ever put in your mouth. I mean, seriously. It's one of my mom's recipes so you know it's good. As I was advised by someone when describing this amazing treat to them as being totally BOSS, I got this reply which made me laugh out loud, so swallow your latte, Amy, or else you'll choke.

"Then I bet it's more than BOSS. It's got to be DISTRICT MANAGER or something higher."

Yeah, I thought so too.

1 comment:

amy elizabeth said...


i'm not drinking a latte...for once. BUT, i will be soon!
as soon as i mail my grad school application. eeeeeeek!

so, i kind of like the idea of you writing from the perspective that you're talking to one person. i haven't really seen it done before, and i know you're talking to me, but i think it's really interesting.


p.s. i want your mom's coffee cake recipe. mayhaps i'll do a coffee cake series. [yup, totally just said "mayhaps."]