Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beer Snob

I think of myself as being very cultured, hip individual. I like things that the cool kids like. I can do all sorts of cool oldey timey things like crochet and embroider. And I like nerdy things like Doctor Who and Harry Potter. I appreciate a good tattoo, and all sorts of music. My food adventurousness is even increasing as evidenced by my recent consumption of crab meat encrusted sea bass with asparagus and field greens. (It was delicious!)

But the one thing I can't bring myself to like is one of the staples of young persondom: beer.

I can be snobby about so many things like science fiction, chocolate, fragrances, shoes, historical accuracy of clothes during movies, jewelery. But I can't be snobby about beer. Because I don't like it. It kinda makes me sad that I can't be like, "Oh man! The IPA from Blah Blah Blah is so good! You should try it!"

I will now confess that one of the reasons I wish I liked beer is boys. I'm pretty much an awesome girl in terms of where my interests intersect with the interests of the kind of boys I like. I really enjoy watching/playing video games. I like nerdy boy movies. I even like attending sports games. One of the few things that boys traditionally like that I don't is beer.

It makes things more complicated in a liquor store. Since I'm also not too fond of most wines, I have to find something that I like to drink that I don't have to mix. I'm pretty terrible at mixing drinks. So I end up with a lot of like, Jack Daniel's Down Home Punch or like, Peach Lambic. Which, I guess technically counts as beer. It's a naturally fermented peach beer, and it's delicious.

Which means I do kind of like beer. I did have a pear cider last night, and that was very good. So maybe I'll be able to work my through the back door into beer snobbery. Here's to hoping!

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