Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Things I Noticed on My Walk This Evening

Ouch, my calves hurt!

Lilacs are blooming, and I can smell them from down the street.

Hmm, someone is grilling burgers.

Someone else is grilling meat and it smells better than the other guy's.

When I'm listening to Here Come the Mummies, it turns my evening walk into an evening strut.

Gosh durn those are some huge ass lilac bushes!

I'm sorry, what? Oh, no, I'm not whoever you thought I was. Sorry.

I think I just broke up a neighborhood cat council meeting.

Man, I can't wait til they turn these fountains on!

Ah, I love being able to see downtown Indy from my neighborhood.

I'm going to pretend I picked the more uphill/downhill side of my neighborhood to walk on purpose.

Check it out! The smokers are still out on the steps!

I'm glad I did something healthy for my body today.

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